As a member in OSI Squash, you get access to any of our many booked squash sessions (see Training) at Domus Athletica. Instead of having to pay per half hour, you need only pay a fee each semester. This fee consists of a membership cost for OSI (120 NOK per semetser for students, 200 NOK per semester for non-students) and a membership for the squash group itself (150 NOK per semester), in addition to a service fee of 10 NOK + 4% of the total price. In addition you will need need a SiO Athletica membership to access the courts, see their webpage for details.
NOTE: If you are already a part of another OSI association you do not need to pay the OSI membership twice
| Squash Fee
| OSI fee
| Service fee
| Total cost per semester
| 150
| 120
| 12
| 282
| 200
| 300
| 12
| 512